CBD for Naturopathic Professionals

You’re always looking for the best natural methods to improve the overall well-being of the people who step into your office seeking help. CBD oil can be a highly effective tool in your toolbox of natural solutions.

As a naturally-derived product, CBD oil makes an excellent addition to any naturopathic care. In this naturopathic look at CBD and its influence on the body’s cannabinoid system, our CBD experts at HempMeds® gathered some information on how implementing CBD into your naturopathic care can benefit your business and your clients, and why our all-natural CBD products are among the best on the market today.

All About CBD: Where It Comes From and How It Benefits the Body

CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids found exclusively in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are special compounds that influence the body in a number of ways. THC, another cannabinoid, induces psychoactive effects when consumed. While CBD is non-psychoactive, it does positively influence the body in a number of different ways. To understand how CBD affects the body, it’s important to first understand the body’s own cannabinoids: endocannabinoids.

Produced naturally by the human body, endocannabinoids bind with special receptors in the cells to drive what’s known as the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system plays a role in supporting a number of bodily functions and contributes to an overall sense of balance, known as homeostasis.

So, where does CBD come in? As a plant-derived cannabinoid, CBD shares a similar molecular structure to the body’s own endocannabinoids. This means that CBD can also interact with cannabinoid receptors to stimulate the body’s endocannabinoid system, optimize its functions, and lead to an increased sense of well-being. For those seeking naturopathic care, CBD can prove to be an effective complementary solution to other natural strategies you use.

CBD for Naturopathy - Cannabidiol for Professionals

Can Naturopathic Professionals Use and Sell CBD Oil?

CBD oil products, provided they’re made from hemp rather than marijuana, are completely legal under the Controlled Substances Act to buy, use and sell under Federal Law. The 2018 Farm Bill, signed into law in December of that year, clarified the legality of hemp-derived products, opening the door for naturopathic leaders like yourself to incorporate CBD for naturopathy professionals.

Since hemp naturally contains a low level of THC, you can use CBD oil with your clients and send CBD products home with your clients without having to worry that they’ll cause any type of euphoric effects. We recognize the health and wellness of the people you care for is your number one priority, which is why HempMeds® is committed to delivering the safest and highest quality CBD oil products on the market.

HempMeds® CBD Solutions for Naturopathic Professionals

If you’re considering utilizing CBD with your clients, you’re bound to have many questions. Chief among them is likely — “How can I use CBD for my naturopathic clients?” Whether you’re incorporating massage therapy, acupuncture, exercise, or nutritional counseling into your sessions, CBD oil can be utilized during those natural strategies to further promote homeostasis in the body. You can also send your clients home with the wellness properties of CBD oil to further encourage well-being after they leave your office.

CBD oil can be consumed in a number of ways. HempMeds® is proud to carry an extensive range of CBD oil products for you to use and sell. These include:


Great for under-the-tongue consumption, our pure CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant and delivers high levels of CBD plus the full spectrum of the plant’s beneficial compounds to encourage overall balance and support a complete diet. Some varieties, such as our RSHO® Green and Blue Label pure CBD oils, are less refined and contain a higher concentration of ingredients from the hemp plant, including chlorophyll, fatty acids, a host of vitamins and minerals, terpenes, flavonoids, and even trace amino acids. Our RSHO® Gold Label, on the other hand, has been refined to remove chlorophyll and excess plant material for a higher concentration and smoother flavor.


Designed to be consumed under the tongue or mixed in with food and drink, CBD tinctures and liquids differ from CBD oils in that they come in a more liquified form. With CBD tinctures, CBD oil is combined with nutritious medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil to naturally encourage better absorption. Generally lower in potency and available in various natural flavors, CBD tinctures are a great choice for introducing your clients to CBD oil for the first time. If you’re incorporating nutrition education into sessions with your naturopathic clients, our RSHO® CBD Oil Liquids work great added to recipes or used on their own.


CBD edibles and CBD capsules bring the power of CBD to a portable, easily consumable product. Easy to take on the go, these products have the added advantage of precise portioning: there’s no need to measure and no guesswork figuring out how much CBD you’re ingesting when you eat one. CBD edibles come in the form of chewable edibles or energy chews, while our CBD capsules filled with CBD oil that can be quickly consumed with water.


For those in search of pure CBD and nothing more, CBD isolate is an excellent choice. Refined to remove all of the hemp plant’s compounds except for CBD itself, CBD isolate comes in a 99% pure white powder that’s easy to mix into food or drink.


Many health enthusiasts and naturopathic practitioners use CBD topically to deliver health benefits to their clients’ skin, muscles, and joints. Through this method of application, CBD is not absorbed internally; instead, it interacts with cannabinoid receptors near the skin’s surface and surrounding tissues for more targeted benefits. Some of the most popular CBD topicals include CBD skin care products like lotions, balms, and soaps, as well as CBD hair care products like shampoo and conditioner.

Why HempMeds®?

HempMeds® goes the extra mile to ensure that our products are the safest and most effective in the industry. You should expect nothing less for the naturopathic care you provide. Sharing our customers’ conviction that all-natural is the way to go, we start our production process with the world’s finest Certified Organic hemp sourced from nutrient-rich soil that’s free of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. Once we have our hemp, we extract the full-spectrum CBD oil using super-clean, supercritical CO2 extraction, which leaves behind no trace solvents, keeping our CBD extract as pure as possible. With extract in hand, we begin formulating our incredible selection of products, using our decades of experience and cutting-edge research to develop all-natural solutions that really work.

Our commitment to quality doesn’t stop there. Throughout production, we employ the Triple Lab Testing® process to test our CBD a total of three times: once before and following harvest, once after extraction, and a final time before product packaging. This third-party testing service uses ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited testing labs to check for the presence of contaminants and verify precise and accurate CBD concentration. The results are safe and highly-effective CBD products that meet our exacting standards — and yours.

Shop CBD for Naturopathic Professional in Bulk and Wholesale

Bringing the world’s finest CBD solutions to your clients is easy with HempMeds®. With our bulk buying options, you can order large quantities of our CBD products at reduced rates. You can even formulate your very own custom CBD oils and order them in bulk. We also offer wholesale options for a host of our most popular products.

With the industry’s finest all-natural CBD products available at competitive rates, HempMeds® is the brand you can trust when it comes to CBD for naturopathic professionals.