CBD Oral Applicators

CBD Oral Applicators

Everything You Need To Know About Oral Applicators

If you have arrived on this page, chances are you are already familiar with cannabidiol (CBD), as well as its numerous benefits. Specifically, this non-psychoactive cannabinoid is widely regarded as having the most medicinal potential by researchers, as it interacts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system to promote homeostasis. While there are a variety of methods to consume CBD hemp oil products, this article focuses on everything oral applicators, HempMeds®’ highest CBD product.

Below, you will find detailed information on the following topics:

Learning about Oral Applicators: The Basics
How to Use an Oral Applicator: The Step-By-Step Process
Consuming CBD Oil: Let’s Count the Ways
The Different Types of Oral Applicators
The Benefits of Using an Oral Applicator
How to Purchase an Oral Applicator

What exactly are oral applicators? Find out next.


You may think the name says it all; however, there is much more to know about an oral applicator besides that it is a product used to assist you to orally consume CBD.

Specifically, an oral applicator is an easy-to-use, pure CBD hemp oil product that provides high levels of CBD per serving. These oral applicators are available in 3 or 15 gram tubes, which come with a plunger style system for dispensing the oils. Fractions of a gram are visibly located on the side of the tube, providing a quick and simple system for measuring your desired serving of hemp oil.

To use the oral applicator, first, you will need to remove the cap from the device. Then, you will depress the plunger into the oil until the amount you want is dispensed according to the fraction markers on the side of the applicator. Once you have measured the correct amount of CBD, you can then consume it however you see fit. The different types of consumption available include placing the oil directly on your fingernail, a butter knife, or spoon, before placing the oil under your tongue and holding in place for 90 seconds, or you can add the oil to a scoop of yogurt or honey to help mask its bitter taste.

At HempMeds, we also offer another type of oral applicator, a product that is slightly different from the one detailed above.

This oral applicator, the 15 g Green Label oral applicator, uses a dial instead of a plunger to dispense the appropriate amount of CBD oil. As with the other applicators, in order to use the 15 g Green Label oral applicator, you will need to initially remove the cap, but this time, you will have to turn a dial to dispense the desired serving, then press the plunger. A half turn of the dial, or 180 degrees, on the 15 g applicator will give you a 0.5 g serving. A full turn of the dial, or 360 degrees, will give you a one gram serving.


As hinted above, using an oral applicator is rather simple. In fact, that is one of the many benefits of our oral applicator: it is quick and easy to use.

However, to ensure that you know exactly how to utilize the product, we have put together a step-by-step guide to help avoid any possible confusion you may experience.

The following information is for the oral applicators that offer a plunger style system for dispensing CBD oil.

Remove the cap from the oral applicator.
Push the plunger into the oil until the desired amount is dispensed, which can be noted from the markers on the side.
Dispense the oil onto your fingernail, a butter knife, or spoon.
Place the oil under your tongue, hold it in place for 60-90 seconds, and then swallow.

Of course, if you want to mask the taste of the CBD oil, instead of placing the dispensed oil onto your fingernail, a butter knife, or spoon, you may place it in a scoop of yogurt, honey, etc. You should know that placing the CBD oil on your gums or under your tongue will let you absorb the cannabinoids much faster than if you fully ingest them.

The following information is for the 15 g Green Label oral applicator, which offers a dial for measuring the CBD oil.

Remove the cap from the oral applicator.
Turn the dial to measure the desired serving size of the oil. A half turn of the dial, or 180 degrees, on the 15 g applicator will give you a 0.5 serving. A full turn of the dial, or 360 degrees, will give you a one gram serving.
Press the plunger to dispense the oil onto your fingernail, a butter knife, or spoon.
Place the oil under your tongue, hold it in place for 60-90 seconds, and then swallow.

Again, if you want to mask the taste of the CBD oil, instead of placing the dispensed oil onto your fingernail, a butter knife, or spoon, you may place it in a scoop or yogurt, honey, etc.


At HempMeds, we fully understand and respect the fact that each and every client is different. From the specific type of CBD oil ingested to the oral applicator used to measure the desired amount of oil, preferences vary from person to person. Therefore, it is important to note the different ways in which CBD oil can be consumed once it has been properly measured.

As mentioned, once the desired amount of CBD oil has been measured out, you can then place it onto your fingernail, a butter knife, or spoon, and then directly consume it. Those who choose this method are clients who generally enjoy the earthy or grassy flavor the oil has to offered. However, there are different ways to mask and avoid this natural flavor.

Again, both a scoop of yogurt or honey is a great technique to help sweeten the CBD oil. However, you can also get creative as to how you choose to consume your oil! Maybe you would like to try placing the oil into a dish of ice cream? Maybe you want to blend into your morning smoothie?

How you to choose to consume CBD oil is entirely up to you, yet it is imperative to know that by placing the oil into another substance (i.e. yogurt or ice cream), you are removing the ability to absorb the oil, as well as its other active compounds, under the tongue. However, this is a successful method to help mask the dry or bitter taste of the CBD oil.


As briefly detailed above, there are different types of oral applicators. Specifically, there are three different types of oral applicators available at HempMeds:

Green Label
Blue Label
Gold Label


Again, the 15 gram Green Label oral applicator uses a dial instead of a plunger to measure out desired servings of oil. This applicator is used for more “raw” types of CBD oils, which provide a great source of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other trace cannabinoids. A good way to determine this applicator from the others, besides the dial measurement, is that Green Label oral applicators are used to consume oils that are the closest to the organic makeup of the natural hemp plant.


The Blue Label oral applicator is used for oils that have been put through an additional decarboxylation step, a process that slightly heats the oil in order to change the molecular structure of the oil’s cannabinoids, ultimately transforming the plant’s CBDa to just CBD. The oils used in Blue Label oral applicators are regarded as an excellent source of CBD, without immolating the chlorophyll and other vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are found in unfiltered oils.

The Blue Label oral applicator uses a plunger to measure the desired amount of CBD oil.


Between the three different types of oral applicators available, the Gold Label applicator is very similar to the Blue Label Applicator.

Again, the oils used in the Gold Label applicator have been decarboxylated to modify the natural CBDa to CBD. Further, these oils are put through an additional filtration process in order to help remove the hemp plant’s excess waxes, chlorophyll, and other plant material. Following this purification stage, the oil is refined to a gold color (i.e. the Gold Label oral applicator). These oils are also the most potent, maximizing the CBD content to approximately 24 percent per batch.

The Gold Label oral applicator uses a plunger to measure the desired amount of CBD oil.


You have successfully measured the desired amount of CBD oil you want to consume, either placed that oil under your tongue and waited 60-90 seconds before swallowing, or have put the oil into a substance to help mask the taste . . .

Now, what do you do with the oral applicator?

It is important to understand how and where you store your oral applicator. Though quite useful, these applicators are not necessarily inexpensive, meaning you want to take care of the product. It is not ideal to purchase a new applicator each time you want to measure out a dose of CBD oil. Therefore, take care of your oral applicator. This next part is important, as it will tell you exactly how to do that.

If at all possible, your oral applicator should be kept in a cold place, such as a refrigerator or cooler. In doing so, it is more likely that both the oil’s freshness and shelf life will be extended. That being said, in some cases, the cooler temperatures offered by a refrigerator or cooler may cause the CBD oil to thicken. If this happens, you may find it difficult to dispense the oil from the oral applicator.

There is no need to panic though, as there are solutions to this benign issue.

For starters, if you do discover that your CBD oil has gotten thicker, you should hold the applicator in your hand for a minute or so, allowing your body heat to warm the applicator, which will ultimately help the oil to thin. The oil will then become much easier to dispense.

In some instances, however, you may discover that the oil is still too thick to properly dispense from the applicator. If this does happen, you should seal the applicator in a plastic bag before placing it in warm water for about five minutes. Remember, the bag you place the oral applicator in must be completely sealed. You do not want the applicator to get wet.


Throughout this article, at least one piece of information has most likely been made abundantly clear: oral applicators are both easy-to-use and convenient. However, when you choose to use an oral applicator to measure the desired amount of CBD oil, you can discover a range of other benefits too, such as the following:

Oral applicators are lightweight
Oral applicators are portable
Oral applicators are quick and simple-to-use
Oral applicators are handy
Oral applicators can be stored in the refrigerator (and do not take up much room)

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, when you use an oral applicator, not only can you receive the highest level of CBD per serving, but you will also get an exact and precise serving of the oil. In fact, these two benefits alone are why many individuals choose to consume CBD orally and with the assistance of an oral applicator.

Simply put, the process cannot be made any easier!


As you already know, CBD oil can provide a numerous amount of benefits to the body, including nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and much more. When placed directly under your tongue, your body will almost immediately absorb the oil, as well as all of the benefits associated with it.

An oral applicator will ensure you receive the right amount of oil for your specific needs.

To learn more about the oral applicators we currently offer, please click here. If you have questions or concerns regarding oral applicators, you can contact our professional staff at 1-866-273-8502. We look forward to working with you.